The next generation of foresters have got the health and wellbeing of New Zealand’s forestry industry in their sights and are playing an active role in improving outcomes for all foresters.
Tucked away in a plantation forest on the East Coast of the North Island sits one of New Zealand’s most endangered plants.
The inaugural Wahine in Forestry conference brought together more than 60 women from around New Zealand for the first ever women-only forestry conference, providing two days of connection, learning and inspiration.
Rayonier Matariki Forests has been recognised by the International Council of Forestry and Paper Associations (ICFPA) in its 2023 Sustainability Progress Report for its conservation work with the Eastern brown kiwi.
Only four weeks out from the annual BDO Parihaka Trail Run Cyclone Gabrielle put paid to the event with many of the tracks being damaged.
A collaboration between the Christchurch City Council, Spark, Fire and Emergency New Zealand and Rayonier Matariki Forests will see the trial of new fire detection technology in Waitākiri/Bottle Lake Forest, Canterbury.
Burwood Pegasus Community Watch has a new set of wheels thanks to the generosity of Rayonier
Matariki Forests and other local organisations.
Rayonier Matariki Forests and Tāne Mahuta share a connection to a Bay of Plenty forest which has been the catalyst for a successful and enduring partnership.